2023 Class Reunions


2023 Class Reunions


1953       70th Reunion                            

1958       65th Reunion                            

1963       60th Reunion                            

1968       55th Reunion                                      

1973       50th Reunion

The class of 73 will be celebrationg their 50th reunion and will be joining the annual banquet. July 22, a 12 pm picnic at Rogers Pond bring a brown bag lunch and drink. September 16th, Duffys Tavern in kennebunk. Join in for appetizers from 4 – 6:30pm.

1978       45th Reunion

1983       40th Reunion                            

1988       35th Reunion

1993       30th Reunion

1998       25th Reunion

2003       20th Reunion            

the class of 2003 will be celebrating their 20th high school reunion with

a gathering at the Pilot House after our annual banquet. Please check

Facebook for pertinent updates.


2008       15th Reunion

2013       10th Reunion

2018        5th  Reunion


We have not heard of any other Reunions. You can email us and we will update on our facebook and website. Please send us pictures of your reunion so we can upload them also.

Alumni Room

The Alumni Room is a nice cozy place to go when you want to see classes through the years. Thank you everyone that has donated items and time to make this a special place to visit

On June 10th 2023 we will be having an open house. All is welcomed. From 9:00 to 2:00 pm.